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PFS Building

Helping your feed needs!

About Us

Prairie Farm Supply is a feed manufacturing company in Belle Plaine, MN. We are a family owned farm store, specializing in feed manufacturing for all farm animals. We supply pre mixed and complete feed, bagged and bulk. 

PFS Building
Products and Services

Prairie Farm Supply works with quality feed distributors such as Hubbard Feeds out of Mankato MN, Vita Plus out of Madison WI, Famo Feeds out of Freeport MN, and Form A Feed out of Stewart MN. Each and every month, Prairie Farm Supply moves over 1500 tons of product including: corn, oats, roasted beans, soy bean meal, corn distillers, delinted cotton, lin seed meal, corn gluten meal, fuzzy cotton, pelleted horse concentrate, pelleted dairy concentrate, dical and calcium and meat, bone and blood meal.

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